Monday, May 17, 2010


School will be out on Friday! This week, well, Monday-Wednesday is finals for the highschool. This morning I had my English final which went pretty well. It was totally over Romeo and Juliet so it wasn't too difficult. My teacher has already graded them, so I got a 90 without the extra credit. Tomorrow is math and geography, neither of which am I too worried about. In math, we have a safety net of 10 problems, so it's fairly simple to get a good grade. Geography is the maps of Asia and Europe, along with the flags and capitals of Asia, Europe, and Oceania. It sounds like a lot, but it really isn't. Wednesday is Spiritual Life II and Physical Science. Science is the only final left that I am really worried about. It'll be a mixture of chemistry and physics, which is hard on the brain, at least on mine. :) I see some very detailed reading and studying in my future........

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