Thursday, July 16, 2009

From lemons...

to lemonade! After going through countless lemonade recipes over the course of many years, Mom discovered one that is really good! To make, cut and squeeze 8 lemons (or approximately 1 cup of juice.) Then make sugar-water: one cup hot water, 3/4 of a cup of sugar. Stir until sugar is dissolved, then add a full tray of ice. Mix together, and then add 6 cups of water. *You may want to use a full cup of sugar. We used 3/4 of a cup, along with 4 drops of stevia.* The recipe may need tweaking, depending on how you like your lemonade tart, sweet, etc.). Enjoy!


Katherine said...

That sounds really good right now... cnosidering that I just got back from a long bike ride with my sister! I might try it sometime! We actually have a homemade recipe that we use all the time and it is amazing! I will tell it to you on my profile... :D

Livvy said...

Great! I'd love to hear it! I'm on the computer right now if you want to chat!

Katherine said...

Sorry I wasn't on right then.... The recipe should be written on my profile by the time you check it next...

Livvy said...

Okay, great!