Monday -- The Aiden Compline
*O Christ, Son of the living God,
May Your holy angels guard our sleep,
May they watch over us as we rest
And hover around our beds.
*May You reveal to us in our dreams
Visions of Your glorious truth,
O High Prince of the universe,
O High Priest of the mysteries.
*May no dreams disturb our rest
And no nightmares darken our dreams.
May no fears or worries delay
Our willing, prompt repose.
*May the virtue of our daily work
Hallow our nightly prayers.
May our sleep be deep and soft
So our work be fresh and hard.
*I will lie down and sleep in peace
For You alone, Lord,
Make me dwell in safety.
My dear ones, O God,
Bless Thou and keep,
In every place where they are.
*Into Your hands I commit my spirit;
I give it to You with all the love of my
*How precious to me are Your thoughts,
O God!
How vast is the sum of them!
Were I to count them, they would
Outnumber the grains of sand.
When I awake, I am still with You.
*Christ without sin, Christ of wounds,
I am placing my soul and my body
Under Thy guarding this night,
Christ of the poor, Christ of tears.
Thy cross be my shielding this night,
O Thou Son of tears,
Of the wounds of the piercing.
*I am going now into the sleep:
O be it in Thy dear arm's keep,
O God of grace, that I shall
Awake in peace.
*My Christ! My Christ!
My shield, my encircler,
Each day, each night,
Each light, each dark.
*My Christ! My Christ!
My shield, my encircler,
Each day, each night,
Each light, each dark.
Be near me, uphold me,
My treasure, my triumph.
*Circle me, Lord,
Keep light near and darkness afar.
*Circle me, Lord
Keep peace within; keep evil out.
*The peace of all peace
Be mine this night
In the name of the Father,
And of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
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